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Join the Y

At the Y, you’re more than a member or number, you’re our community and family! At the Y, you belong.

Community Impact

Our mission is to strengthen communities through programs and services that build healthy spirit, mind, and body. We strive to foster communities that are inclusive and socially just so that all people can thrive.

What You Can Do

Early Learning Centers

The Y’s goal is to ensure that children enter kindergarten ready to learn, grow, and thrive. We’re building Early Learning Centers in Port Angeles and Port Townsend.

For a better us

At the Y, our focus is on developing confident, caring children who are ready to learn, supporting people of all ages on their health journeys and providing individuals and families of all types, the opportunity to be part of a well-connected, supportive community. Our mission is to strengthen communities through programs and services that build healthy spirit, mind, and body. We strive to foster communities that are inclusive and socially just so that all people can thrive. We do not tolerate prejudice, discrimination, or abuse of any kind.


An Organization For All

At the Olympic Peninsula YMCA, we welcome all. Our commitment to equity is to foster communities that are inclusive and socially just so that all people can thrive. We do not tolerate prejudice, discrimination, or abuse of any kind.

Our Blog

Welcome Week Blog Article 6.24

What is Welcoming Week?

The YMCA celebrates Welcoming Week this year September 13-22. This initiative aims to celebrate and welcome newcomer immigrants and their contributions to our community.


Kate's Y Story

My name is Kate Henninger. When I started at the YMCA of Sequim, I had already been working in this facility when it was SARC.

Wendy Bart 2024 headshot

CEO Joins Y-USA Board of Directors

Wendy Bart, Olympic Peninsula YMCA CEO, was appointed to serve on the YMCA of the USA (National Resource Office) Board of Directors.

Y For All



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